DATA STREAMS is about finding how we really use our buildings on a daily, hourly, even minute by
minute basis – because in the end, how we operate within our buildings accounts for the energy,
time, and productivity we consume.  We are interested in visualizing building data.

DATA STREAMS is made possible through a DLR Group Professional Development Grant (PDG). The PDG program supports entrepreneurialism at the individual level and enables DLR Group design professionals to open doors of exploration, creativity, innovation and invention in balance with the client work.

The core of the DATA STREAMS idea involves both personal energy consumption as well as program monitoring software that we will develop to integrate with existing or new infrastructure. Both Nvidia and University of Nebraska’s Peter Kiewit Institute have already invoked interest in the project and provided DATA STREAMS with test units from their R&D departments in good faith that we will continue this idea.

DATA STREAMS is led by Ryan Cameron and Michael Vander Ploeg. The aim is to team with technology companies, research institutes, and other designers to create a solution which utilizes metrics that can be monitored in real-time to better understand and fine tune our buildings.

The mission of this website is to track the development and progress of the DATA STREAMS PDG.