Battery Future?

With the announcement of of Tesla Motor’s entry into the home charging appliances, I can’t help but think that some people might say that already puts Data Streams out of business. Solar power is free, so why would I care where my energy goes?
To the contrary…. let me explain.
A) We are more than just an energy monitor and analysis platform.
B) You would still need to realize what in your house consumes energy from a management standpoint.
A rechargeable battery is just that, rechargeable. It doesn’t matter if it powers your car, your house or your 1970’s era disco ball twirler. It will run out and need replenishing. So why not track what changes are happening to the apparent load on the circuit? While we can’t all afford $5000 (solar panels + inverter NOT included BTW!) battery packs to take up to 25% of my electric bill down, we CAN track how much energy we use and create a plan that is right for you.
What is going on in your house is pretty simple and straight forward. The refrigerator always needs to be on, your oven gets intermittent use but what about plug load and lighting? Does your cell phone pull a lot of wattage when recharging? probably not. However, whether you’d like to admit it or not, you do leave things on. Computers, laptops, LED lights (yes, those still pull wattage) and oops, you left your home stereo system on “pause” during Saturday Night Fever again. Yes, while it isn’t pulling a full load that it would be if left playing, it is pulling more than standby mode.
So why are you constantly recharging your shiny new semi-explosive Tesla wall mounted battery? Probably because you didn’t know you left your disco ball on! Most likely the savings you could have from a rechargeable battery could be paid for by simply recording how you use energy in the first place and improving your schedule. Not unlike what a coach does for their players. “You did this, this and this well, but let’s work on improving your score <here>”.